A.J. Vega - diy furry noise pop musician

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A rough guide to the MIDI Bunny collective and side projects

The self-described "punk band turned art collective" that is MIDI Bunny has comprised several members (myself included) throughout its existence beyond the core duo of Cecily Renns and Biddy Fox. This page seeks to document said members, and any projects they have done, separately or together, listing out all the different configurations which the members have partaken in. This list is color-coded, with each member being assigned a color by their own personal declaration of preference.



Solo Projects

Cecily Renns

Biddy Fox


A.J. Vega

Serena Warner

Non-MIDI Bunny bands feat. MIDI Bunny members

Echo Hills †

Furry (With Rope Wound) †

The Sidereal Contract †

Summer 2000
(live/Rocket Skates Session only) †

The Lovely Robot †

Dog For President †

Cookie Meat †

diy furry music 4ever